How to Record Absences and Make-Ups

Billing is stopped only when a Holiday Hold is applied....


Last Update 6 bulan yang lalu

We’ve simplified the process for parents to book make-ups. 

You no longer need to log an absence - simply book your make-up class 24 hours in advance of the absence. 

You can apply for a Holiday Hold if you are going to miss 3 and more consecutive weeks of class. We may consider temporarily stopping your billing and holding a place for you (so you do not have to register again).

You can select either of these options from the home page in the parent portal as shown below.

Make Up Classes

Missed classes cannot be refunded, however we’re happy to give you a make-up class if you are missing 2 (or less) consecutive weeks of classes, on the following conditions.

1. You must book your make-up class at least 24 hours prior to your missed class, otherwise it may be cancelled.

2. The make-up class must be completed within 4 weeks from the missed class and is subject to availability.

When you click the link you are expected to book the make-up first and in the questions that follow you tell us which class you are going to miss. If your booking does not conform to the two rules above it is likely to be cancelled. 

Holiday Hold

You can apply for a Holiday Hold if you are going to miss 3 and more consecutive weeks of class. We may consider temporarily adjusting your account for the classes that you are away. This adjusted amount reduces the amount you pay in your next billing cycle.

Your status then is the same as a current registered student 

Holiday Hold is considered on the following conditions.

1. If your account is in good standing and in a 12 month period your billing is suspended for no more than 8 weeks.

2. Returning to the same class time slot is not guaranteed.

You can apply for a Holiday hold by sending us an email with the dates you are going to be away and the reason for your absence. We will then revert to you with the status of your holiday hold.

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